ETT® In Your Practice
ETT® Blends Technique, Technology and Interpersonal Therapeutic Relationship
Exclusive ETT-based Therapy
Therapists who offer ETT to their clients can determine the optimal utilization approach that fits within their individual practice. Because client success with ETT is significantly dependent upon the efficacy and technique, the therapist's technique improves with frequent adoption. The more it is utilized in your practice, the better familiarity one can achieve with each of the four modalities.
ETT with Other Methods
Many of the professionals who become ETT-certified experience such profound impact with their clients, they choose to treat clients using ETT exclusively, specializing in Emotional Transformation Therapy. For others, ETT is offered as an adjunct to complementary therapeutic methods. This, is most probably the most common practice approach.
Prescriptive ETT Cases
For practitioners who are curious to learn about ETT and receive certification but do not regularly employ Emotional Transformation Therapy treatment methods with their clients--reserving it for very specific cases, it generally requires a longer period of time to realize significant, consistent results with their clients.